Aaj English TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2024  
26 Dhul-Hijjah 1445  

KP CTD foiled 55 terrorist attack in last year: report

1433 intelligence-based operations were conducted against terrorists in 2023

The Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has released details regarding its operations and the number of terrorist incidents in the province in the past year, revealing the foiling of 55 terrorist attacks in the province.

The report highlights significant successes in combating terrorism, with the CTD claiming to have thwarted numerous attacks and neutralized key figures within various terrorist groups.

According to the CTD, 1433 intelligence-based operations were conducted against terrorists in 2023, resulting in the arrest of 322 terrorists and the killing of 124. The department also claims to have successfully foiled 55 terrorist attacks.

The report details the capture of two suicide bombers, preventing potential devastation in Peshawar. The CTD also claims to have dealt significant blows to the Mohsin Qader group, Betani Padakia group, Tipu Gul group, and Zarrar group. Commanders and members of the Suntaa group and the TTP Gandapur group were also killed in these operations.

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Furthermore, the CTD apprehended 14 individuals involved in the smuggling of explosives and placed bounties on the heads of 18 terrorists. Ten high-profile terrorists were arrested, while eight were killed during operations.

The report states that 273 terrorist attacks occurred in the province this year, with 118 targeting police officers.

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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa