Five health benefits of consuming Spring onion

Web Desk: Spring onions are tasty and also extremely health. Both of its part green leafy and white bulb are edible. They are one the healthiest options to go for.
Here are the 5 amazing health benefits of Spring onions.
Reduces the cancer risk
It is rich in Sulphur that prevents cancer and fights against the enzymes that produce cancer cells. Make a habit of eating it daily.
Lowers Blood Sugar Level
It has Sulphur compound which increase body’s ability to produce insulin and prevent diabetes to a great extent.
Aids Digestion
They are also rich fiber which helps in better digestion. You should include it in your daily diet, either cooked or raw.
 Maintain Good Vision
It has carotenoids that help to keep the vision healthy and intact. It is also a great source of vitamin A, which prevents loss of eye-sight.
Prevents cold
It has antibacterial and antiviral properties which work as a medicine to fight against viral and flu.
Source: Food.ndtv
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