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Published 16 Sep, 2024 03:36pm

Prominent lawyers approach SC to stop constitutional amendment

A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court of Pakistan seeking to declare the proposed constitutional amendments null and void.

The petition, filed by prominent lawyers including Shafqat Mahmood, Shahab Sarki, Abid Zuberi, Ishtiaq Ahmed, Munir Kakar, and others, names the federal government, all four provinces, the National Assembly, the Senate, and other relevant entities as respondents.

The petitioners request the court to declare the proposed amendments unconstitutional, arguing that they violate the principle of separation of powers and undermine judicial independence.

They further plead with the court to prevent the federal government from proceeding with the amendments.

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The petition also seeks to halt the process of presenting the amendment bill in parliament, prevent the President from signing it even if parliament approves it, and ultimately declare the proposed amendments null and void.

The petitioners argue that the judiciary’s independence, powers, and judicial matters are sacrosanct. They maintain that parliament cannot revoke the judiciary’s authority or tamper with judicial powers.

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