Aaj English TV

Saturday, July 27, 2024  
20 Muharram 1446  

Former spymaster Faiz’s role in Faizabad sit-in cannot be absolved: PTI’s Marwat

Says commissions lose their credibility after giving reports on sensitive matters
Exclusive interview of Sher Afzal Marwat - Aaj News

Former spymaster retired Lt Gen Faiz Hameed’s role in the Faizabad sit-in, which disrupted in the federal capital for 20 days, cannot be absolved, PTI leader Sher Afzal Marwat has said.

“PTI may see this development with a different perspective, but my personal opinion can be different. I think that in the matters on which a clean chit was given to the-then DGI, maybe they forgot to decide whether an army chief or any officer has the authority to interfere in political matters. Even if they have then it is without jurisdiction,” he said while appearing on Shaukat Piracha show Rubaroo aired on Aaj News on Tuesday.

He had joined the show via video link. Marwat was responding to a question related to the Faizabad sit-in commission decision to clear former Inter-Services Intelligence director general Lt Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed of any wrongdoing.

From Oct 2 to Nov 27, 2017, religiopolitical parties – including the TLP – occupied the Faizabad Interchange which connects Rawalpindi and Islamabad through the Islamabad Expressway and Murree Road.

The sit-in ended after the army brokered a deal with the protesters.

“According to my perspective, General Faiz Hameed cannot role be absolved,” Marwat said.

When he was pressed on his response, the PTI’s legal expert said that denying the Supreme Court decision and that cash was distributed among the activists of TLP would not be appropriate. The-then Pakistan Rangers, Punjab, DG Maj Gen Azhar Naveed was seen distributing cash envelopes among the protesters after the sit-in.

He was charged with clearing and handling the sit-in by the federal government.

When the host shared the points of the commission and a “trend” of criticism against institutions, Marwat said that the commission would give “such reports” on such sensitive matters. For this reason, he said commissions have lost their credibility and lost the strength to unearth and discover truth.

Talks with politicians

Marwat was open to talks with politicians but highlighted the modus operandi before making any such move.

He listed two things important for the PTI, firstly the public mandate which the party claims was stolen from them and given to the PML-N. Secondly, the party demands an end to Khan’s detention.

Marwat, who is known who his outspoken demeanour, said that reconciliation cannot happen when such demands are not met. He called for a “gesture of goodwill”.

The PTI leader clarified that he was open to talks with politicians. “All political forces who are practising politics or have become a reason for political upheaval,” he said while speaking about talks.

He added that former prime minister Imran Khan had asked him to conduct public gatherings in the whole of Pakistan. The party would conduct one in Bajaur, KP on Wednesday, he said and added that he was waiting for a schedule from Punjab.

He was also asked about the Corps Commanders Conference statement. The army top brass said that baseless allegations on law enforcement agencies and security forces have become a fashion and are part of the larger design to drive a wedge between the people and the Armed Forces of Pakistan

Marwat said that people can agree with the statement to the extent that baseless propaganda against the armed forces was condemnable. But he added that people would express concerns if such things happen or people die in warrant or the number of missing persons increase.

He explained that Khan’s apprehension about the country “dividing in two” was against the backdrop of the Bahawalpur incident. The PTI leader added that police violated the privacy of several workers of the party when a crackdown was launched on them.

Survival of the country will be difficult if two systems of justice would prevail, Marwat said.

No one can deny Faizabad sit-in

PPP leader Syed Naveed Qamar had also joined the show via video link.

In response to a question on the Faizabad sit-in commission, Qamar said that he had not seen the report and added that it was part of the evidence that members of the TLP were brought for the protest and people in uniform distributed the cash among protesters.

“Those who tried to take action against this later faced inquiries,” he said and added that no one can ignore the incident.

While sharing some bits of the report, he said former army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa had authorised the sit-in and they had a go-ahead from the-then government.

He was of the view that the six judges’ letter matter and the Faizabad sit-in were interlinked. “The environment of the country is like that we do not speak the whole truth and commissions are not totally independent. They also have to see their lives and work promotion,” he said and added that an open report can only come after a revolution.

Qamar shared that Saudi Arabia was focused on two things: buying shares in the Reko Diq and installing a petrochemical plant in Gwadar.

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Faiz Hameed

faizabad sit in

Sher Afzal Marwat

Faizabad dharna

Faizabad sit in commission