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Published 06 Jun, 2024 11:22am

Pakistan participates in UNSC election to become non-permanent member

Pakistan is positioned to secure a record-breaking eighth term as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Denmark, Greece, Somalia and Panama are among other contenders to participate in non-permanent seat elections.

All five candidates have served on the UNSC including Pakistan seven times, Panama five times, Denmark four times, Greece twice, and Somalia once.

The five available seats for this election include the African group, one for the Asia-Pacific group, one for the Latin American and Caribbean group, and two seats for the Western European.

The new members of the Security Council will be taking office in a world facing increased global tensions, stemming from crises like the ongoing conflict in Palestine and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

These geopolitical flashpoints have also caused division within the Security Council itself, with major powers taking conflicting stances on a range of issues - from responding to humanitarian emergencies to questions of disarmament and security.

The election for these five non-permanent UNSC seats is set to take place this Thursday (today).

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In this election, the various regional groups within the UN have each put forward a single candidate.

The permanent members of the UNSC include Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States, and do not experience an electoral process.

Voting is conducted by secret ballot and candidates must receive a two-thirds majority, or 128 votes.


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