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Published 29 Jul, 2016 06:41am

Three home remedies to cure dark lips

WEB DESK: So lately you have been seeing that your lips have been turning black and losing its shine and luster. Although you may be taking healthy food, going for regular exercises and stocking up on expensive lip balms, but none of it is helping you. So how about going the home-remedy way.

So, here are few simple and easy home remedies as mentioned in Time of India which will help you to bring back the moisture and pinkness of your lips back.

Regular weekly scrub:

Use natural lip scrubber once every week to remove dead celss from your skin and bring back the suppleness. An easy way to do is mixing up few drops of olive oil and 1 tsp sugar and use this for exfoliating your lips. Once you rinse off, apply healing lip butter or your favorite lip moisturizer.


Lemon is used to treat dark skin patches and spots as its bleaching properties will allow your skin to naturally lighten dark lips. Squeeze a Lemon and apply the juice on your lips before going to bed.

Follow this simple remedy daily for few months. If not this then you can also take a thin slice of lemon, sprinkle a bit of sugar on top and rub it on your lips. It will exfoliate dead cells and make way for new fresh skin.

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