Aaj English TV

Sunday, March 23, 2025  
22 Ramadan 1446  

Backoff Malware: Save your credit/Debit card data from being stolen

Everyone wants to keep its credit or debit card  data from being stolen as several sorts of malware and spyware are used to steal sensitive information or gain access to private computers this is what  happened in North America. A security company has claimed that the number of computers has been infected by Backoff malware, which is responsible for payment card data breach.

According to research conducted by Network security company Damballa, Systems infected with backoff malware has been increased by fifty seven percent between August and September that makes the Ram futile to snatch the leftover credit card data after the card swiped.

CTO Damballa Brian Foster said that organization is looking after fifty five percent of traffic comes from North America including DNS. The company analyzes DNS requests and categorize them in term of malicious or  good having checking the server being connected.

Even though, the company has warned several ISPs and user about the potential threat of backoff malware, yet retail industry could not counter the threat successfully as Backoff has infected  few of the giant organization like Home Depot, Target and Diary queen. Homeland security claimed that about 1000 businesses have already been infected by this malware,but don't have information about it.

Foster has opinion that Dambala' services are availed by many customers that's why it has better ability to look into the network that may be infected by the malware. Damballa also issues warning to  ISP using its services that their user may have been infected because of backoff. Foster has opinion that high bandwidth entertainment services are being offered by ISPs and to keep the government regulation away, ISPs are also playing an active role in this respect.

It is worth mentioning here that Dambala has Hadoop clusters by which they track a set of domain characteristic and domain names related to Backoff which assist the company to warn their customer about potential threats.

Backoff Malware: Save your credit/Debit card data from being stolen