Indian actor Bala married his relative Kokila on October 23 at the Kaloor Pavakulam temple in Kerala. Although reports suggested this was his fourth marriage, he denied those claims in an interview with Manorama Online, stating that Kokila is his “second wife.”
Bala shared that his first marriage was to a woman named Chandana when he was just 21 years old.
He explained that they had been school sweethearts and married secretly at a temple.
He mentioned that their families later intervened, leading to their separation and the annulment of their marriage, and noted that Chandana is now happily married and living in America.
He also rejected claims about marrying Elizabeth Udayan, who was rumored to be his third wife, calling that relationship “not a legal marriage” and choosing not to provide further details.
However, he expressed goodwill toward Elizabeth, acknowledging her support during a difficult period. Bala did not comment on his second wife, singer Amrutha Suresh, who has filed a legal case against him for allegedly harassing her and their daughter, Avantika.
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Bala married his cousin Kokila on October 23, sharing a compilation video of him along with his wife.