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Published 24 Jul, 2017 06:12am

New research reveals the laziest country in the world

WEB DESK: Your movement through out the day determines how active you are. If number of activities are less in your daily routine, then you may be counted in lazy people. 

Earlier, it was a general thought that Americans are laziest amongst all nationalities but this title has been given to some other country now.

A study published in nature, enables us about it after anonymously analyzing activity of 700,000 people all over the world by using the Argus activity monitoring app. Moreover, to find out authentic result, data worth of 68 million days was analyzed which was gathered from 111 countries.

The activity rate was measured by the number of steps people takes in that country. The Americans, however, secured second position as 4,774 steps per day have been recorded. Moreover, Hong Kong is leading and is atop with 6,880 steps per day. Whereas, the Indonesian are the new laziest people on list as only 3,513 steps per day were found in the analysis.

Source: Reader's Digest 

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