According to met office, Western disturbance is still affecting upper parts of the country and likely to persist for next 24 hours.
Dry weather is expected in Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan during next 24 hours. The lowest minimum temperature was recorded -5C at Parachinar. Minimum temperatures were: Islamabad 6 C, Lahore 9 C, Quetta 5 C, Karachi 18 C, Peshawar 9 C, Muzaffarabad 6 C, Gilgit and Murree 2 C, Multan 9 C and Faisalabad 11 C.
The snowfall recorded during last 24 hours was Kalam 8 inches, Malamjabba 6 inches and the rainfall was recorded; Pattan 43, Parachinar 22, Balakot, Quetta 21, Dir 18, Garidupatta 16, Chitral 10, Rawalakot 09, Saidu sharif, Kakul 08, Mirkhani 07, Zhob 06, Muzaffarabad 05, Kotli, Lower Dir 04, Drosh, Chillas, Murree, Kalat 03 and Gujranwla 02 mm.