Aaj English TV

Wednesday, September 11, 2024  
06 Rabi ul Awal 1446  

Hybrid geyser prices in Karachi: market survey

Gas shortage means more people exploring options
Demand for hybrid geysers increases due to gas shortage in Karachi

The gas shortage in Karachi means that people have started exploring hybrid electric plus gas geysers for their homes.

It is said that water stays hot for 12 hours in combination geysers.

People have two options: a big standing geyser or a smaller one that attaches to the shower.

Geysers in Karachi are made by big companies and small individual sellers. “You don’t have to get Skyflame etc,” says Danish, a local manufacturer. “All of them are locally made. The big companies make in bulk and make more quality. Individual people also make geysers.” He argued that his geysers, which he personally has manufactured, are of better quality. One company makes 500 geysers and I make 50, he said. “I pay attention to the welding, the sheet and colour coating.”

When shopping for a geyser, you will have to talk in gauges or the thickness of the sheet that is inside it. The higher the number, the thinner the sheet.

A Skyflame 30 gallon hybrid geyser for say four bathrooms will come in these combination gauges: 14 x 16 gauge 14 x 12 gauge (if you don’t have a pressure pump) 10 x 11 gauge Rs40,000 to Rs43,000 (heavy pressure pump) 8 x 8 gauge (heavy pressure pump)

When buying a geyser you should tell the seller if you get khaara or hard water or sweet water (by tankers) as well. This will affect the life of your geyser. Prepare to run a geyser for five years.

Other brands include Omnigas, Welcome and Canon. Brands like Canon offer warranty and home service.

The small manufacturers will offer Italian thermostats which have warranties as well.

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Gas shortage
