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Published 29 Sep, 2024 01:15pm

Thousands throng to Kaghan Valley as tourist season begins

The launch of the winter tourism season in the Kaghan Valley has drawn large numbers of families to Naran, where visitors are enjoying the crisp mountain air, stunning scenery, and clear waters.

Sources report that the vibrant blue lakes, cascading waterfalls, and cheerful atmosphere have significantly boosted Naran’s appeal.

The Naran Hotel Association has announced discounts of up to 50% on room rates to attract tourists.

The influx of both domestic and international tourists has been significant since the start of the winter season. International visitors are praising the valley’s beauty and encouraging others to visit.

Read more: Kaghan development authority initiates glacier removal to safeguard tourists

The monsoon season had previously impacted local businesses in the Kaghan Valley.

However, the commencement of family tourism is expected to provide renewed economic opportunities for the local population.

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