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Published 25 Sep, 2024 07:16pm

No judges met before issuing clarification to ECP, Registrar says

The Supreme Court Registrar has submitted a report to the Chief Justice regarding the questions raised about the explanatory order of September 14th. Details of the Registrar’s response have also emerged.

In a letter to the SC registrar, CJP Isa said that the following initial questions have arisen after the order:

  • When were the said applications filed?

  • Why were the said applications not Committee constituted under the (Practice and Procedure) Act, 2023?

  • How were the said applications fixed for hearing and how was this done without issuance of cause list disclosing their fixation?

  • Did the office issue notices to the parties and to the Attorney-General for Pakistan?

  • In which courtroom/chamber were the applications heard, and by whom?

  • Why was a cause list not issued for announcement of the said order?

  • Why was the said order not fixed for announcement?

  • Without first depositing the original file and the said order in the Supreme Court’s office how was the said order uploaded on the website?

  • Who directed the uploading of the said order on the Supreme Court’s website?

Registrar’s reply

Meanwhile, details have emerged regarding the response from the Supreme Court Registrar. Sources say that no cause list was issued for the Election Commission and PTI petitions, and no hearing was held in any courtroom.

Sources further state that there is no information about the petitions being heard in any judge’s chambers, and that the file was not sent to the Registrar’s office before being uploaded to the website.

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