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Updated 24 Aug, 2024 08:39am

Woman driver in Karsaz accident not a criminal, made a mistake: police chief says

Karachi Police Chief Javed Alam Odho has assured the public that the fatal accident case involving a woman driver on Karsaz Road will be investigated fairly and according to the law.

Addressing a press conference in Karachi, Odho stated that the police did not grant bail to the woman and are pursuing the case as per legal procedures. He acknowledged that the woman driver had made two mistakes, demonstrating serious negligence, but emphasized that she is not a criminal.

Odho highlighted that the police arrived promptly at the scene of the accident and protected the woman from the crowd.

He further reported a significant reduction in street crime, including mobile phone and vehicle snatching incidents, as well as a decrease in motorcycle theft cases.

The Additional IG Karachi highlighted that the police and Rangers are working tirelessly to combat crime on a daily basis. He expressed concern that the police are not receiving adequate support despite their active efforts against criminals.

Read more:

Karachi Karsaz road accident: Court approves one-day physical remand of driver

Woman driver named in Karachi Karsaz road accident FIR

Odho also commended the performance of the AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) system team, stating that police operations have become significantly faster.

He revealed that 15 criminals were killed and 111 were apprehended in injured condition in August. Over 400 street criminals were arrested during the same month.

Odho also mentioned that the police successfully solved a case involving the robbery of Rs. 1.35 crore and the murder of two individuals in Site, with one suspect killed and another arrested.

He informed the public that three officers from Sachal Police were injured during an encounter with robbers.

Odho concluded by stating that efforts are underway to repair 35 damaged vehicles belonging to the Madadgar 15 service, with the aim of improving the service’s effectiveness.

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