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Published 29 Jul, 2024 11:36am

Kurram tribal clash death toll rises to 42

Clashes between two tribes in Khyber district, sparked by a land dispute, have continued for a sixth day, resulting in the deaths of eight more people, bringing the total death toll to 42. Over 170 people have been injured in the ongoing violence.

A ceasefire was declared on Sunday after five days of continuous firing, but the truce was broken late at night when both tribes resumed their exchange of fire.

The latest fatalities bring the total number of deaths to 42, with 170 people injured in the clashes. The fighting is believed to have stemmed from a long-standing dispute over property ownership between the two tribes.

Despite agreeing to the ceasefire, both sides violated the agreement on Sunday night. Sources report that heavy gunfire erupted in four locations, with both sides using automatic weapons.

Read more:

Ceasefire reached between tribes in Kurram after 27 fatalities

Clashes over land dispute in Kurram leaves 10 dead

Police confirmed that there was no firing between the villages of Bushera and Mali Khel on Sunday night, but the clashes resumed later in the night.

The authorities are working to restore peace and stability in the region and are urging both sides to engage in dialogue to resolve their differences peacefully.

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