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Published 24 Jul, 2024 04:59pm

Police begins action on Bannu jirga demands, 8 arrested

In a move to address demands made by Bannu jirga, police conducted raids on three locations associated with armed individuals. The raids resulted in the arrest of eight individuals and the seizure of a significant amount of weaponry.

The raids were carried out in response to demands made by the Bannu jirga, which had been holding a sit-in for five days, calling for the elimination of armed groups in the area. The jirga’s demands included the removal of illegal weapons and the dismantling of the offices of these groups.

During the raids, police also seized an unregistered field vehicle. Following the operation, locals expressed their support for the police action, chanting slogans in favor of law enforcement.

Bannu’s Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Ziauddin, confirmed that the operation was part of the implementation of the second point of the jirga’s demands. He stated that three locations were targeted in the operation, resulting in the seizure of a large cache of weapons.

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The sit-in, which began five days ago, continues to draw attention to the issue of armed groups operating in the region. The police action is seen as a step towards addressing the concerns raised by the Bannu jirga and restoring peace in the area.

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