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Published 18 Jul, 2024 08:59am

Russia signals openness to work with any US leader

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov indicated that Moscow is ready to collaborate with whichever candidate the American people elect as their next president in the upcoming November elections.

Lavrov addressing at the United Nations headquarters in New York,on Wednesday, where Russia currently holds the Security Council presidency, said, “We will remain ready to work with any US leader who the US people elect, and which the leader will be willing to engage in equitable, mutually respectful dialogue.”

His statement signals a shift in Russia’s stance, as it comes against the backdrop of heightened tensions between Moscow and the current US administration over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Lavrov also expressed approval for the position of Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance, who has opposed further military aid to Ukraine.

“We can only welcome that, because that’s what we need, to stop pumping Ukraine full of weapons, and then the war will end,” Lavrov said, referring to Vance’s stance.

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The Russian foreign minister’s comments come as the US presidential race heats up, with the selection of Vance as the Republican running mate raising concerns in Europe about the potential impact on continued American support for Ukraine if the former president secures reelection.

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