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Published 10 Jul, 2024 01:05pm

Karachi coastline overwhelmed by massive seashell washup linked to climate change

The coastal areas of Karachi are currently littered with dead sea creatures due to the impacts of climate change and severe heat. Vast numbers of seashells have washed up along the beaches of Karachi, a common occurrence every June and July.

These are the remains of a 500 million-year-old marine creature.

According to WWF technical advisor Muzaffar Khan, the reason for the seashells washing ashore is the severe heat and changes in wind patterns.

The shores of Karachi are littered with seashells on the coastline every year during June and July.

Sindh Marine Fisheries Director Dr. Asim Kareem states that the seashells act as natural filters in the ocean. If pollution in the sea can be controlled, it could help reduce the deaths of these seashells and other marine life.

These washed-up seashells are also a source of livelihood for many people. Artisans use colorful seashells to make garlands, bracelets, necklaces, photo frames, and other decorative items.

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