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Published 21 Jun, 2024 12:30am

Nawaz Sharif will favour Imran Khan in potential negotiations: analyst

Journalist and analyst Javed Chaudhry has claimed that PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif would favour his political rival Imran Khan in potential negotiations.

“Nawaz Sharif would concede to many of Imran Khan’s demands if one-on-one negotiations are held between the two,” he said while appearing on Rubaroo aired on Aaj News on Thursday.

He claimed that the PML-N supremo was the only person to the PTI founder if talks are held.

According to Chaudhry, Mahmood Khan Achakzai-led talks would be successful when he would directly meet with Khan and obtain his assurance that he would accept the decisions made during the talks.

He claimed that Khan would not allow such dialogues to succeed, suggesting that the former PM may be unwilling to compromise or accept the outcomes of the negotiations facilitated by Achakzai.

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