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Published 13 Jun, 2024 10:30pm

Oxfrod University cancels exams due to pro-Palestine protest

Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted exams at Oxford University, forcing the cancellation of assessments in the East School building.

The demonstration began early Thursday morning when a group of protesters, some carrying Palestine flags, occupied the Examination Schools.

Reports suggest that a group remained in the building overnight, while a larger group of around 20 individuals, wearing masks and backpacks, attempted to enter later.

Oxford Action for Palestine (OA4P) issued a statement calling for support outside the Examination Schools, though it is unclear if the protesters who disrupted the exams are affiliated with the group.

The disruption affected both preliminary and final examinations scheduled for the East School.

While some students have been informed of a minor delay, exams in the East School have been canceled. Assessments scheduled for Thursday in other parts of the Examination Schools are expected to proceed as planned.

In response to the protest, a University of Oxford spokesperson expressed disappointment with the disruption caused to students, stating that the occupation of the Exam Schools was “absolutely unacceptable.”

The spokesperson emphasized the university’s commitment to ensuring all students have the opportunity to take their exams with minimal disruption, and that contingency plans are being implemented.

The spokesperson also clarified that the university is uncertain about the group’s affiliations, as they claim to be acting independently of the Oxford Action for Palestine (OA4P) encampments. While the university supports the right to peaceful protest, the spokesperson stated that this action exceeded the boundaries of acceptable protest.

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