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Published 24 May, 2024 07:29pm

Court sends man accused of uploading wife’s videos on dark web on remand

A local court in Karachi has remanded Tahir Abbas, accused of uploading explicit videos of his wife to a dark web site and subjecting her to physical abuse, in police custody for five days. The court also ordered a medical examination of the wife and daughter.

The wife, the plaintiff in the case, has filed a complaint against Abbas, accusing him of serious crimes.

She claims that Abbas is a member of a secret organization. The court, while ordering the medical examination, adjourned the hearing for five days.

During the hearing, Abbas denied the allegations, stating that his wife’s behavior is suspicious and that if he indeed inflicted any violence, a medical examination of his wife and daughter should be conducted.

Abbas further claimed that his wife threatened him, saying, “I will go to any extent against you.” He insisted on his innocence, stating, “I swear by God, I am telling the truth. I would never even think of doing such a vile act.”

Abbas alleged that his maternal uncle is a member of the Illuminati and that he was merely trying to gather information about the organization.

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