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Published 10 Jan, 2018 08:18am

5 Homemade remedies to get rid of Dental plaque

Web Desk: It is said that smile is the best jewel a person can wear and it is the most attractive feature a person can have. Unluckily, there are many things which can harm your teeth, such as smoking, caffeine and irregular dental care. This can also cause dental plaque.

Have a look at the 5 easy homemade remedies to remove dental plaque naturally.

Baking Soda

Mix a tbsp of baking soda with a pinch of salt, now dip your wet toothbrush into the mixture and brush your teeth.

Aloe Vera and Glycerine

Take a cup of water, add ½ cup of baking soda, 1tsp of glycerine and 1tsp of essential lemon oil. Now brush your teeth with this mixture.

Orange Peel

Rub orange peel on your teeth for few minutes, then wash it with some water. This is the easiest way to remove enamel. It will whiten your teeth and prevent stains.

Vitamin Tooth Mask

Mash tomatoes, strawberries and oranges together, then put the paste on your teeth. Wash after 5-6 minutes. This will kill bacteria and freshen up your breath.


Combine 2tbsp of vinegar, 1tbsp of salt and 4 oz water, rinse and repeat for several days for maximum effect.

Source: Brightside

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