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Published 15 Dec, 2017 07:37am

10 ways to look stunning without makeup


Web Desk: Wearing a make is a temporary way of getting instant beauty. It is also expensive, time-consuming and also requires a-lot of effort.

Perfect and long-lasting beautiful look can only be attained through natural process. Here are 10 beauty tips that will help you to look attractive and beautiful without makeup.

Improve facial color

Use chamomile tea to make your facial skin look more healthy. Take 1tsp of pharmacy chamomile in 1 glass of warm water, leave it to brew in a thermos for 30 minutes.  When it cool down add one tsp of honey. Drink in small sips every day before breakfast for two week.

Make your eyelashes longer and thicker

Take equal amount of castor, almond, sesame and burdock oil. Add vitamin E. Keep the mixture in a jar. Apply it on your eyelashes and leave it overnight.

Get rid of brittle and split ends


Mix an egg yolk with half glass of plain yogurt together. Then add 1tsp of castor oil, 1tsp of coconut oil and 1 tsp of avocado or jojoba oil. Apply the mixture on your wet hair and then put on polyethylene cap. Leave it for 1 hour then wash your hair.

Nourish your hands

Mix hand cream with a corresponding amount of vinegar. Apply it before bedtime for two weeks.

Make your hair look smooth and shinny

Blend a banana then add olive oil, 2tsp of honey, 1tbsp of plain yogurt. Apply the paste to wet hair and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair thoroughly.

Whiten nails

Cut lemons into pieces then put your finger in each half. Let your nails soak for 15 minutes.

Remove Blackheads

Mix activated charcoal mask with non-toxic glue. Apply it on your nose, cheeks and blocked pores. Leave it until dry then peel it off.

Tackle chapped lips

Mix sour cream with carrot juice. Apply it on your lips for 7 minutes. Then wash it.

Get rid of dark circles

Soak cotton swab in cold milk and apply it beneath your eyes.

Get glow and Healthy skin

Cut a tomato into slice and sprinkle some sugar at the top. Gently rub it on your skin in circular motion. Leave it for 10 minutes then wash it. Repeat the process 3-4 times a week.

Source: Brightside

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