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Published 12 Dec, 2017 12:52pm

Quorum issue persists in National Assembly

ISLAMABAD: The quorum issue persisted in the National Assembly on Tuesday as the sitting had to be adjourned due to the presence of less than 25 percent lawmakers in the house, observes Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN).

According to the Daily Factsheet, the national assembly met for 49 minutes. The Speaker presided over the sitting for 39 minutes while remaining proceedings were presided over by the Deputy Speaker.

The Leader of the House (Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi) did not attend the sitting while the Leader of the Opposition Syed Khursheed Shah attended the sitting for 32 minutes.

The House did not take up the legislative business, standing committees’ reports, amendment to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business, resolutions, motions under Rule 259 and a Calling Attention Notice (CAN).

The House took up a CAN regarding expected abolition of import duty on maize by the government which was responded to by the Parliamentary Secretary for Finance.

Today, the lawmakers belonging to the PPPP staged a walkout for not including FATA Reforms Bill on the agenda which was later joined by PTI, MQM and other opposition lawmakers.

They did not return to the House till adjournment of the sitting.

A PTI lawmaker pointed out the quorum , which led to the adjournment of sitting.— PPI

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