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Published 05 Aug, 2017 06:39am

These cats doing bizarre actions will make your day

WEB DESK: If you notice, every other person is a cat lover and owns a cat. It tells people love these fur balls. These are a bit aggressive in nature but with their cuteness melt everyone's heart. 

Although these cats are aggressive but sometimes they do bizarre things that made our day. Similar to this, we have gathered few photos of cats who were caught while they were in strange action.

Have a look!

Cat reading Jean-Paul Sartre

Cat breed

Cat-rotisserie chicken

The gracefulness of this hefty cat is off the scale


Cats-office workers

A tired office worker

Cat-caring mother

Business cat

...and its colleague

This cat is on holiday

Dad-cat having his morning coffee

The Saturday morning cat

Desperate cat

Hopeless cat, Nicky

Cat surgeons


A cat whose paws give itself away


Source: Bright Side


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