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Published 26 Dec, 2016 12:51pm

Here's everything you need to know about famous conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel


Abby & Brittany, the conjoined twins with different personalities makes me wonder that how can they manage to go along? When all i can remember is me and my sister always fighting over something really ridiculous.

So these famous conjoined twins were born on March 7, 1990 in New Germany, Minnesota. They went to Bethel University where they both majored in education. They graduated in 2012.

As conjoined twins, they share a body but they have separate vital organs. Each twin has a separate heart, stomach, spine, lungs and spinal cord.

Each twin controls her half of their body, operating one of the arms and one of the legs.

Growing up, learning how to crawl, clap or walk was difficult because they had to coordinate with the other but they figured it out quickly.

The twins have different distinctive walks. Brittany tends to stand and walk on her tip-toes.

The most interesting fact is that since they are two separate people, one can get sick while the other twin stays healthy! Brittany has suffered from pneumonia twice while Abby hasn't had it at all.

Abby and Brittany's parents immediately rejected the option to separate the twins because the doctors said it was likely that both would not survive the operation.

Together, they are able to walk, run, swim, drive and ride a bicycle! They can even type on a computer. They just have to coordinate efforts.

To drive, the twins had to take the written and driving test twice, one for each twin. When driving, Abby controls everything on the right of the driver's seat and Brittany on the left.

It's tough to coordinate everything together sometimes. They might not want to sleep or eat at the same time.

Even in studies they both have different favorite subjects for instance Abby loves mathematics and Brittany loves to write.

Both Abby and Brittany once told the Discovery Channel that they hoped to date, get married and have children.

This article was originally published at diply.net

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