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Published 25 Nov, 2016 04:58am

Umair Jaswal and Ali Azmat's tribute to Kashmir will give you goosebumps

WEB DESK: In solidarity with under sieged Kashmir, Umair Jaswal, Ali Azmat, and Alicia Dice has sent a tribute to all the affectees of the Indian brutalities in the Occupied Kashmir, and it is absolutely heart-breaking. 

In a press conference, Jaswal shed light on the song, and said that, “The message we want to convey is not just for the Pakistani nation but for the whole world,”said Jaswal in a press conference earlier.

“I’ve noticed ever since violence in the Indian-held Kashmir escalated, our artists have been quiet about it. I’m a little disappointed in those colleagues of mine who are afraid to talk about it.” The singer clarified that the soaring tensions between Pakistan and India are not merely a political issue but also a humanitarian issue.

“This anthem would not [only] be a Kashmir anthem, rather it would be an anthem for humanity. There’s no financial interest in it, and people are working on it on a voluntary basis,” Jaswal said.

“India has practically converted occupied Kashmir into the biggest prison in the world. In last few months, thousands of innocent Kashmiris are martyred and severely injured during atrocities by Indian forces. India has also made lives of Christians, Sikhs and other minorities miserable,” he said.

“It didn’t bother me, though, except now I know the extent to which Indian media has gone and blinded its people on the issue,” Jaswal said.

Listen to the song here:



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