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Updated 07 Nov, 2016 12:32pm

Seven foods that may be hazardous to your health

WEB DESK: Have you ever given much thought to how some foods that we use in daily life can be hazardous to your health?

According to Fox News, these seven foods you eat in your daily routine may be extremely hazardous for your health:

1. Fruit Seeds

The fruits that contains pit have a type of hydrogen cyanide called prussic acid. So it is wise not to eat a bowl full of it.

2. Nutmeg

It is said that eating just 0.2 oz of nutmeg could lead to convulsions, and 0.3 oz could lead to seizures. Eating one whole will supposedly lead to a type of "nutmeg psychosis," which includes a sense of impending doom.

3. Potatoes

Glycoalkaloids, also found in nightshade, can be found in the leaves, stems, and sprouts of potatoes. It can also build up in the potato if it's left too long, especially in the light. Eating glycoalkaloids will lead to cramping, diarrhea, confused headaches, or even coma and death. It's said that just 3 to 6 mg per kilogram of body weight could be fatal. Avoid potatoes with a greenish tinge.

4. Almonds

There are two variations of almonds, sweet almonds and bitter almonds. The bitter ones supposedly contain relatively large amounts of hydrogen cyanide. It's said that even eating just 7 - 10 raw bitter almonds can cause problems for adults, and could be fatal for children.

5. Raw Honey

Because it doesn't go through the pasteurization process in which harmful toxins are killed, unpasteurized honey often contains grayanotoxin. That can lead to dizziness, weakness, excessive sweating, nausea, and vomiting that last for 24 hours. Typically just one tablespoon of concentrated grayanotoxin can cause the symptoms above. Consuming multiple tablespoons would be a bad idea.

6. Tomatoes

The stems and leaves of tomatoes contain alkali poisons that can cause stomach agitation. Unripe green tomatoes have been said to have the same effect. You would need to consume vast quantities for it to be fatal. Not exactly high-risk, but you might avoid eating tomato leaves.

7. Cashews

Raw cashews you might find in a supermarket are not actually raw, as they've been steamed to remove the urushiol, a chemical also found in poison ivy. This chemical can cause the same effect as poison ivy, or poison oak. High levels of urushiol can supposedly prove fatal. People who are allergic to poison ivy are likely to have a fatal allergic reaction to eating actual raw cashews.

-This article is basically a source of information. Kindly consult to your doctor before implementing it in your routine.



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