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Published 25 Jun, 2016 05:12am

Showbiz unites with Fakhr-e-Alam for better security detail for artists

WEB DESK: Following Amjad Sabri's demise, the entertainment industry of Pakistan, well a few of them at least, led by Fakhr-e-Alam, demanded better security for the artists and media persons as it is provided for the politicians. Supported by Tipu Sahrif, Maria Wasti and Faakhir to name a few, the video went viral on social media.

Starting off, Chairman of the Censor Board, Fakhr-e-Alam condoled the Sabri family, "The entire artist community is immensely sad and outraged about the martyrdom of Amjad Sabri, and has come to the realisation that there is no one to protect us," Fakhr-e-Alam begins.

He continues, "The problem is, when we raised this question in front of the government, VIPs and higher officials, as to why they receive top-notch security but [artists] don't, the answer we've received is that they are well-known and can be shot anywhere, which is why they have bullet proof cars and police escorts.

"The burial of Amjad Sabri, attended by thousands, proves that he too was a high profile artist. So, my colleagues who stand with me and many more artists who are not present, we [would like to say that we] are also high profile and there is no difference between you and us.

"Since we're also high profile, we also come on TV and more people know us than you, please provide us with the same bullet proof cars and the same police mobiles that follow you -- with the taxpayers money -- we all demand to be given the same security.

"And if that is not possible, then you should return your bullet proof cars and your security personnel to the government, so that we [artists] are at peace that both of us are equally vulnerable on the streets of Karachi.

"If you fail to do this, then we will multiple our force and we will bring together the media and our fellow artists and take action against it.

"So our request to you is, that either we are all provided with equal security or equal vulnerability, because we are all Pakistani citizens and all our lives are equally important."


While some firmly supported this notion, others were not quite sustained to it. The rock icon Umair Jaswal, said in an statement, “Sabri was a legend. And given that he had filed for security, he should have been provided with it,” noted Jaswal.

“But demanding security for all artists is not the solution. I am firmly against this VIP culture as I believe we should improve our judicial system and ensure that the law is equal for everyone so that before committing such a heinous act, people would think twice.”

The Qawwali maestro was gunned down by unknown assailants on Wednesday near his residence.

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