Aaj English TV

Tuesday, July 02, 2024  
25 Dhul-Hijjah 1445  

US official assures Pakistan that ties are ‘best in years’

Remarks come at farewell for Pakistan ambassador

A senior US official has reassured Pakistan of the enduring strength of the US-Pakistan relationship, despite recent tensions stemming from a congressional resolution expressing concern over Pakistan’s human rights and democratic situation.

Speaking at a farewell reception for outgoing Pakistani Ambassador Masood Khan on Friday night, US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Horst emphasized the “stable and broad-based” nature of the partnership. “Like any longstanding relationship, there’s always a little bit of friction at times,” she acknowledged, referencing the recent congressional resolution.

However, she stressed that the relationship is “in the best place it’s been in years,” highlighting the expansion of cooperation in areas like trade, health, energy, and climate change. “We have had new dialogues opened. We have looked for new areas of trade. We have looked for ways we can cooperate on things like health and energy and climate — things that we haven’t talked about for a long time,” she said.

Horst praised Ambassador Khan’s contributions to strengthening the relationship, stating that he “is leaving the relationship better than when he came and as strong as it’s been in a long time.”

The US official’s comments come amidst speculation in Washington regarding the timing of Ambassador Khan’s departure, which coincided with the passage of the pro-democracy resolution in the US Congress.

The Pakistani government has announced the appointment of a new ambassador to Washington and the UN in New York.

Despite the recent friction, both sides have reiterated their commitment to a strong and enduring partnership.

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United States

elizaebth horst