Aaj English TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2024  
26 Dhul-Hijjah 1445  

There won’t be military operation under Vision Azm-i-Istehkaam: sources

Says counterterrorism campaign aims to reinvigorate National Action Plan
In this file photo, taken on January 22, 2017, Pakistani soldiers stand guard at a checkpoint in Parachinar, capital of the Kurram tribal district. AFP
In this file photo, taken on January 22, 2017, Pakistani soldiers stand guard at a checkpoint in Parachinar, capital of the Kurram tribal district. AFP

The counterterrorism campaign Vision Azm-i-Istehkaam has been misinterpreted, sources with the security said amid mixed statements from ministers that military operations could be conducted in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa against terrorists.

Neither there would be a military operation, nor would people be evicted from their homes, they said and added that the purpose of the operation was to infuse new life into the National Action Plan (NAP).

The statement comes after Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif earlier this week clarified that Vision Azm-i-Istehkam would entail intensifying ongoing intelligence-based operations rather than a “new and organised” military offensive.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif had also said that the operation was intelligence-based, unlike previous operations which led to mass displacement.

Sources added that the campaign was a continuation of the NAP, which would formulate a multilateral policy to prevent terrorism, effectively curb drug smuggling, and ensure stringent legislation to prosecute terrorists.

The money from drug smuggling and human trafficking was being used to finance terrorism and the terrorists were extremists with whom no negotiations were possible, they added.

Through the vision, they stated that efforts would be made to root out smuggling and drugs. An effective strategy was necessary for lasting peace, as six million litres of oil were smuggled from Iran daily, down from 12 million litres previously, and three tons of drugs were seized daily, they said.

Such illegal sources of income were funding terrorist activities, they said and added that the illicit tobacco industry was also causing significant damage to the national economy.

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azm e istehkam