Aaj English TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2024  
26 Dhul-Hijjah 1445  

Sherry Rehman dismisses US house resolution

Adds that resolution highlights hypocrisy of PTI

Pakistan Peoples Party leader Sherry Rehman has dismissed the US House resolution calling for an investigation into Pakistani elections as insignificant.

Speaking on a news program “Rubaroo” today, Rehman stated that House Resolution 901, tabled in November 2023, was presented by two congressmen who offered positive and constructive remarks. However, during the debate, Congressman Dan Kildee made some anti-Pakistan remarks, which she deemed “normal.”

She attributed the resolution to heavy lobbying and exchange of funds in the US, hinting at the upcoming election year and the prevalent lobbying activities.

Rehman criticized the PTI, stating that they are willing to jeopardize the country’s interests whenever it suits their agenda. She pointed out that India and other countries also engage in lobbying to advance their national interests, but in Pakistan, there is a trend of internal criticism and funding aimed at portraying Pakistan in a negative light.

She emphasized that the PPP has also engaged in lobbying but has never compromised Pakistan’s reputation.

Rehman highlighted the hypocrisy of the PTI, stating that they previously used the “cypher” issue to claim foreign interference, but are now actively seeking such interference.

She revealed that the Pakistani diplomatic staff in the US successfully mitigated the issue after engaging, but the uproar over the resolution remains excessive.

Rehman compared the situation to India, where numerous reports on elections and human rights violations have been released without any significant impact. She pointed out that the resolution was passed by the US Congress, not the administration, and therefore, it holds little weight.

Commenting on the Swat incident, Rehman expressed deep concern over such events, attributing them to organizations inciting violence.

She criticized the PTI and other parties for opposing Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad, stating that their constant refrain of “No to the killing of Pashtuns” is hypocritical. She questioned why they would accept the killing of any Pakistani citizen.

Rehman argued that eliminating terrorists through operations in the region actually protects Pashtuns.

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Sherry Rehman

US Congress

US Congress Pakistan Election

US House Resolution 901