Aaj English TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2024  
26 Dhul-Hijjah 1445  

Dutch pilot lands plane safely after canopy bursts open mid-flight

Footage was shared by Melkumjan on social media
Photo via Aaj News
Photo via Aaj News

A Dutch pilot named Narine Melkumjan miraculously managed to land her small plane safely after the canopy suddenly burst open and shattered mid-flight.

The nail-biting ordeal occurred several years ago during Melkumjan’s second ever aerobatic training flight in her Extra 330LX aircraft.

Footage shared by Melkumjan on social media showed her struggling to maintain control of the plane as the powerful wind rushed into the cockpit, making it difficult for her to see and breathe.

“The flight was a distressing experience, filled with noise, breathing difficulties, and impaired visibility,” Melkumjan wrote. “It took me nearly 28 hours to fully recover my vision.”

Despite the challenging circumstances, Melkumjan was able to safely guide the plane back to the ground. She credited her instructor’s advice to “just keep flying” as crucial in helping her navigate the emergency.

Melkumjan acknowledged that the incident could have been avoided if she had properly checked the canopy latch before takeoff.

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She also said that flying shortly after recovering from COVID-19 without allowing her body enough time to regain strength contributed to the difficulty of the situation.

The experienced pilot shared the footage as a “cautionary tale” for fellow pilots, emphasizing the importance of thorough pre-flight checks and physical preparedness.

Melkumjan’s remarkable skills and composure under pressure ultimately saved her life and the lives of any potential passengers on board.

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