Aaj English TV

Saturday, July 27, 2024  
20 Muharram 1446  

The census can’t take your data if you’re older than 100

The census has already ran into its fair share of problems
File photo.
File photo.

The first ever digital census that started this year was aimed to be a breakthrough in data collection and compilation but things have not been completely smooth.

After terror attacks on census teams, non-issuance of funds and one province openly saying they have reservations, a new caveat showed that perhaps the system is not 100% equipped to deal with things.

It has now been revealed that the application used to enter data does not accept ages over 100 because it only accepts two digits.

The revelation came in Larkana, when census teams reached the house of one Dadan Khan. When the respondent said he was 106 years old, the team was unable to enter his details into the system

According to a copy of Dadan’s CNIC obtained by Aaj News, he was born in 1917.

The census began on March 1 and its results will be compiled and announced by April 30.

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digital census