Aaj English TV

Tuesday, July 02, 2024  
25 Dhul-Hijjah 1445  

PM directs strict action against hoarders, profiteers

Chairing a meeting on prices and availability of sugar, the Prime Minister stressed for...

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed to ensure sufficient availability of essential items on affordable rates and take indiscriminate action against elements involved in profiteering and hoarding.

Chairing a meeting on prices and availability of sugar, the Prime Minister stressed for taking the action “without any discrimination” to ensure availability of essential commodities. Imran Khan said profiteers and hoarders were the enemies of poor and did not deserve any concession.

The meeting was attended by federal ministers Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Muhammad Hammad Azhar, Asad Umar, Adviser Abdul Razak Dawood and Dr Ishrat Hussain, Special Assistant Dr Waqar Masood and senior officials. The Chief Secretary Punjab, through video-link, gave a detailed briefing about the sugar produce, crushing and available stock in Punjab.

The Prime Minister was informed that to ensure ample availability of sugar stock at controlled prices, the video-link meetings among all Commissioners of Divisions and deputy commissioners of districts were being held on daily basis. It was updated that action had been taken against those involved in under-weighing of commodities and profiteers, while 79 persons had been arrested besides 190 First Information Reports (FIR) registered. NNI

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asad umar

federal government

imran khan

Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh

sugar crisis

suger price