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Tuesday, July 02, 2024  
25 Dhul-Hijjah 1445  

Five ways to whiten your teeth effortlessly

-Back Mountain Dental -Back Mountain Dental

WEB DESK: It is often said that a smiling person is a beautiful individual but what if his/her smile shows unattractive, yellowish teeth? It surely wouldn't look appealing.

Hence, to whiten your teeth effortlessly at home, we have found these easy and quick tricks which you must know.

Lemon juice and water

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It is essential to take care of teeth like skin and hair and if for any reason you are unable to visit your dentist - here is a mixer that you can prepare at home. For this teeth whitening mixer you will need equal parts of lemon juice and water. It will not just whiten your teeth but disinfect your oral cavity too if in case you have .


Baking soda and lemon juice

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Here is another quickest way to get white teeth. All you need is a pinch of baking soda and few drops of lemon juice on top of your tooth brush. Brush your teeth with gently to get desired results.

Powdered milk and toothpaste

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You may not believe it but yes powdered milk can whiten your teeth too. Put tiny quantity of powdered milk on top of your toothpaste and brush off yellowness of your teeth.

Activated charcoal

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Activated charcoal is another quick way to remove yellowness on teeth. Crush one charcoal piece into powder form and dip wet toothbrush in it. Brush your teeth with it to get desired result.

Apple cider vinegar and water

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You can make a mouth wash at home just by using apple cider vinegar and water. Mix both ingredient and rinse your mouth every morning with it before brushing your teeth.