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Published 21 Aug, 2024 11:29pm

Child, 5, approaches police over father’s restrictions

A unique incident has unfolded in India where a five-year-old boy, identified as Hasnain, visited a police station to file a complaint against his father for restricting his playtime and refusing to take him out.

According to Indian media reports, the incident took place in the state of Madhya Pradesh.

Hasnain, in a serious tone, expressed his grievances to the duty officer, complaining that his father had forbidden him from going to the river or playing on the busy street.

A video of the young boy filing his complaint at the police station has gone viral on social media.

The video shows Hasnain sitting on a chair at the police station, with the officer standing before him. The officer asks for his name and inquires about the nature of his complaint.

Hasnain, in response, provides his name and explains that he was prohibited from going to the river and playing in the streets. The police officer reassured the boy that action would be taken and sent him home.

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