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Published 12 Aug, 2024 11:27pm

FC, Afghan forces clash on Torkham border: sources

An exchange of fire was reported between the Frontier Corps (FC) and Afghan forces at the Torkham border in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, sources within the FC told Aaj News on Monday.

Heavy weapons were used in the cross-border firing.

Afghan forces were constructing a road and a fortification near the Torkham border, sources said and added that the FC officials asked the Afghan forces to stop the construction.

When the Afghan forces did not relent, tensions escalated and both sides opened fire. Intermittent use of heavy weapons was reported.

No casualties have been reported so far, but the Torkham border crossing has been closed for all movement.

Meanwhile, multiple families residing in the Torkham bazaar and surrounding areas have relocated to safer locations.

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