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Published 21 Jul, 2024 10:34pm

Fiza Ali rebukes teenage girl for seeking love advice on live show

A live show hosted by popular Pakistani actress Fiza Ali took an unexpected turn when she reprimanded a teenage caller who sought her advice on matters of the heart.

The viral video footage captures the dramatic exchange, where the 18-year-old girl confessed her unrequited love for a boy and requested spiritual remedies to win his affection.

Fiza Ali, visibly frustrated by the request, immediately questioned the caller’s age and then proceeded to launch into an angry tirade, criticising the moral fabric of society and the need to address such issues on her show.

While turning to the religious scholar present on the set, she emphasised the importance of proper upbringing and the need for parents to pay closer attention to their children’s emotional and social development.

The fiery exchange between the host and the young caller has now sparked a heated discussion on social media, with many viewers weighing in on the appropriate approach to handling matters of love and relationships, especially involving underage individuals.

“There should be a limit to shamelessness,” Fiza said and added that the girl’s parents should be mortified. She advised the girl to focus on her education and make her parents proud instead of getting caught up in frivolities.

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