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Published 29 Jun, 2024 12:41pm

Karachi to sear as PMD forecast hot, humid weather today

Karachi is expected to face another day of hot and humid weather today, according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD).

While rain is not anticipated, the possibility of drizzle in some parts of the city remains.

The city has been experiencing a severe heatwave for the past few days, with temperatures exceeding 40°C and “feels like” temperatures reaching beyond 50°C. This extreme heat has been further compounded by prolonged power outages, adding to the discomfort of Karachi’s residents.

Although the soothing sea breeze has been blocked due to low air pressure in the Arabian Sea, the PMD predicts that the weather will remain partly cloudy today. The minimum temperature is recorded at 30.5°C, while the maximum is expected to hover between 36 and 38°C. Humidity levels are also expected to remain high at 70%.

Despite the lack of rain, Karachi’s residents experienced some relief on Thursday when parts of the city received scattered showers. However, the respite was short-lived as the humidity quickly returned.

In an effort to alleviate the suffering caused by the heat and power outages, the Sindh government has instructed power utilities to refrain from load-shedding between 10pm and 6am.

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