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Published 24 Apr, 2024 12:37am

Google fires 20 more workers after CEO’s warning

Google fired around 20 more workers who participated in protests denouncing the company’s cloud computing deal with the Israeli government, The Washington Post reported.

The latest development brings the total number of workers fired in the past week over the issue to more than 50, said the activist group representing the workers.

A spokesperson for Google confirmed it had fired more workers after continuing its investigation into the April 16 protests.

The firings come several days after chief executive Sundar Pichai told employees in a companywide memo that they should not use the company as a “personal platform” or “fight over disruptive issues or debate politics.”

“The corporation is attempting to quash dissent, silence its workers and reassert its power over them,” said Jane Chung, a spokesperson for No Tech for Apartheid, a group that has protested Google’s and Amazon’s contracts with the Israeli government since 2021.

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