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Published 23 Nov, 2023 04:37pm

NEPRA approves electricity price hike for Karachi consumers

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has approved an additional surcharge of Rs1.52 per unit on K-Electric customers.

According to a statement issued in this regard, NEPRA has given the decision on the federal government’s request.

It also said that the additional surcharge on electric consumers of the power distribution company for Karachi will be applicable from December 2023 to November 2024.

The additional surcharge will cost K-Electric customers more than Rs24.5 billion.

The federal government will issue a final notice for the additional surcharge.

K-Electric consumers get ready to pay additional charges

Power Division gives nod to tariff hike for KE consumers

However, NEPRA clarified the hike will not be applicable to lifeline customers of K Electric.

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