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Published 04 Sep, 2023 09:39am

Serving Indian Army colonel accused of corruption worth billions

The Indian Army initiated an action against a colonel for allegedly committing financial fraud worth INR6 billion during his tenure as the commanding officer of a military intelligence unit.

The colonel served as the head of the 4 Corps Intelligence and Surveillance Unit (CISU) and has been accused of acts of omission and commission while hiring civilian vehicles for intelligence-gathering operations against Pakistan between 2019 and 2021.

He is alleged to have made fake invoices and forged signatures on documents to show the hiring of civilian vehicles that were not actually utilised.

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As he faced charges of corruption, the colonel accused the officers of Corps headquarters of misusing many assigned vehicles for personal use against policy. In his defence, he stated that his unit faced constraints in gathering intelligence with limited government vehicles allotted.

The revelation raised concerns within the high ranks of the Indian Army as an inquiry report into the matter stated that fraud and corruption continue in the army.

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