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Published 14 Aug, 2023 08:51pm

Citizens stranded for hours due to jammed traffic across Karachi on Independence Day


Citizens were stranded for hours as the traffic got choked at roads across Karachi on Monday after people flocked to Jinnah Mausoleum and other public places to celebrate the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan.

Vehicles were stuck in long queues on both sides of roads leading to Mazar-e-Quaid from Marry weather tower and other areas of Karachi.

The traffic flow at Sea view road, Clifton, Khayaban-e-Ittihad and Street 26 of Defence Housing Authority, Guru Mandir, Jamshed road, Teen Hatti bridge and Shahrah-e-Faisal was also disrupted as citizens went out with their families to participate in the celebration activities.

Similarly, commuters driving through Karsaz, University road and Abdullah Shah Ghazi Mazar also encountered choked traffic as they waited for hours on the roads to reach their destinations.

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