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Updated 13 Apr, 2023 08:45pm

KE to pay injured man Rs9.2 million in damages

A Karachi court has ordered K-Electric to pay damages worth Rs9.2 million to a man who was injured.

The city court Senior Civil Judge for Karachi West Razaque Hussain issued the verdict on Thursday.

The incident took place in Orangi Town’s Sadiqabad on November 15, 2018.

A KE PMT or pole mounted transformer fell and hot oil from it poured on to Ashar Imam who had gone to buy milk. He was taken to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and was then admitted to Liaquat National Hospital.

Ashar Imam was injured and permanently disabled when it happened, according to advocate Usman Farooq. He suffered physically and mentally.

News of the incident was reported on multiple television channels.

KE has 30 days to pay. The damages amount to Rs9,090,000. The judge said that KE had to also pay Rs191,000 for the legal costs incurred by Ashar Imam. When a 15% markup is added this brings the total to Rs9,281,000.

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