As living standards increase, elderly people in Pakistan are saving more than before, according to a policy paper published by the World Bank Group.
In Pakistan, 88.5% of the population is informally employed but the overall availability of formal pension schemes is low. Therefore, the elderly often work into old age or depend on their children to cover their living expenses.
The paper investigated a third way of financing: savings.
The researchers collected data through the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) survey, which provided household-level data on assets, income, and expenditure, as well as individual-level data such as education, health, age, etc. over eight years.
The key findings of the policy research paper are as follows:
The above findings indicate that the net worth of informal Pakistani households with elderly members has increased significantly over time. That is, elderly Pakistanis are less likely to live in poor households compared to non-elderly adults.
This may be due to changing socioeconomic trends. Three of these trends are relevant: an increase in life expectancy, an increase in GDP per capita, and a decrease in fertility rates. Together, these trends increase living standards while decreasing family support, propelling people to save more for their older years.
The increase in net worth suggests a potential demand for long-term saving schemes designed for the informal sector.
Furthermore, while the net worth of the elderly has increased, a lot of them are reliant on non-liquid assets—mostly land and residential buildings. Thus, extracting emergency funds is difficult. Financial literacy among such people is also low. This indicates that there is a need to create better options for the elderly to save.