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Published 22 Jan, 2018 08:30am

Ridiculous ways to fight stress

Web Desk: Almost 40% of stressed people overeat, 44% loose sleep. What about you? Take a short test to evaluate your stress level.

There are many funny gadgets in the world, that are used for relaxing. These things will not solve your problems but can put smile on your face.

Squishy vomiting egg

This is a way that is used by some people when they want to get out of bed on a Monday.

Day planner to remember important people

For when your memory is not enough and you want to make a list of priorities.

Head massager

This will help you to relieve stress by stimulating your head and neck.

Scream jar

This will help you release your stress in a proper way. This is for those who have to suppress their hate.

Magnetic putty

It allows you to give any form. You just need a creative imagination to work out and break, smash and squish it in the end.

Enter button

If you want to send an emotional email, but you can’t do this due to some reasons, in such cases you can send these emails by hitting this Enter button with all your might.

Phone stress reliever

In case you want to smash your phone against a wall.

Nap pod

How can people feel stressed when there are such nap pods in their offices?

Scalp muscle relaxant

The best ways to get rid of problems is to get rid of head. Use this gadget to massage your head.


Bake you enemies and eat them.

Bubble wrap

This is a proven way to cope with stress.

Source: Brightside


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