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Published 19 Jan, 2018 05:46am

Top 16 smart synonyms you should use

Web Desk: Synonym is a word that means exactly or nearly same as another word, you can make your writing much more captivating by choosing lively synonyms for a word in sentences. It’s usage make your writing more vivid and create a more intriguing image in the mind of others.

There is certainly some treasure to be unearthed in one, here is a list of 16 smart-sounding synonyms to reboot your vocabulary.

Instead of ‘Paunchy’, try using ‘Abdominous’ for a large belly.

Instead of ‘Bad language’, try using ‘Billingsgate’

Instead of using ‘Bad idea’ use ‘Cacoethes.’

Instead of ‘Skillful’ try using ‘Daedal’.

Instead of using ‘Confuse’ try using ‘Embrangle’.

Instead of ‘feverish’ try using ‘Febrile’.

Instead of using ‘Slippery’, try using ‘Gliddery’.

Instead of using ‘Goose Bumps’, try using ‘Horripilation’.

Instead of using ‘Smelly’, try using ‘Mephitic’.

Instead of using ‘Miser’, try using ‘Nipcheese’.

Instead of using ‘Bend’ try using ‘Obliquate’.

Instead of using ‘Cheerful’, try using ‘Riant’.

Instead of using ‘Predict’, try using ‘Vaticinate’.

Instead of using ‘Unlucky, use ‘Wanchancy’.

Instead of using, ‘Last night’, use ‘Yesternight’.

Instead of using ‘Criticism’ try using ‘Zoilism’.

Source: Mental floss

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