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Updated 16 Jan, 2018 09:55am

Five steps to tackle with your child’s shyness

Web Desk: It is every parent’s wish to make their child to feel at ease with others and to have a confidence in social situations. Shyness is a personality trait, not a fault, but still you must try to develop confidence in your child from early ages.

Here are some positive steps you and your child should take to overcome shyness.

  • Help him feel understood and accepted. Allow him to share his emotions and identity. Let the child know that being shy is not a personality flaw and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Children learn from their parents, so set an example for them. Parents who want their children to act more outgoing should themselves act outgoing.
  • Reward your child for his outgoing behavior. You can also praise him, this could a slightly improve his behavior.
  • Help him to develop social skills by providing him opportunities to experience social situations. For example, you can encourage the child to invite a friend or friends.
  • Do not put your child in threatening situations. This will help him to feel secure.

Source: Doctor.ndtv

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