Web Desk: Earth is a wonderful place that makes us to experience facts and information from a different angle every now and then.
Have a look on these 9 things that will help you to see the world from different angle.
The purple carrots
These carrots originated either in Afghanistan or Turkey. The orange carrots bred in the Netherlands.
A blue-Skinned family from Kentucky
A family in Kentucky has blue skin. They actually have a rare metallic condition called methemoglobinemia.
The public library is divided between 2 countries
Haskell Free library and Opera House is located in the US and Canada at the same time.
Giraffe cleans his nose with tongue
A giraffe nose id 50 cm long, that can allow him to clean his nose with his tongue.
High heels for Persian soldiers
It is originated in Persian for soldiers. These high heels help them to stand easily.
This cat was the coauthor of physics paper
A cat named F.D.C Willard became the coauthor of a well-cited paper with his owner Profressor Jack H. Hetherington.
A grand family
Head of a religious sect Chana has the largest family. He has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren.
The blue hole
This great blue hole is located just 100 kilometers off the coast of Belize.
A child’s skull before the loss of baby teeth
Permanent teeth are located directly above and below the milk teeth prior exfoliation.
Source: Brightside